Lessons people learn too late in life

by - March 20, 2021

So this topic struck me today while I was talking to my colleague this morning. We were talking about how people are and what are their focus at certain age and I thought it would be a great topic to share. 

Well many of us, probably in our 20s and 30s are hustling and finding our own ways to get through our mid-life crisis and it is mostly a personal experience as everyone has their own journey. Despite that, we may find some things in common at a point of life and of course, from experiences there will always be lessons. Most of the time, this would be some time too late in life, when it may be too late to make mends. 

So, if you ever read this while you are young and have a long road ahead, perhaps this will be a useful message to help you get through life. 

Here's a few lessons that people learn too late life; 

1. Not everyone is a friend

This may be a bitter pill to swallow, but it is true. Sometimes or maybe most of the time, people can be selfish and have their own interest in mind, that they do not care who gets thrown under the bus in the process. This can be friends, colleagues, strangers, girlfriend/boyfriend and even family at extreme cases. Provided the opportunity, they will do you wrong. Being selfish is not the same as self prioritisation, but not caring if others got hurt in the process of you achieving what you want. A simple example would be dating your friend's ex. I am sure most of us would have came across this scenario at a point of life and I am one to personally experience this. The feeling of disappointment and betrayal was horrendous. So my personal advice is to choose your friends wisely, otherwise just be cautious. In spite of that, I am not saying that there are no one out there good enough to be a friend with good intentions. I know that there are and I have a handful of them which I adore. True friends are the ones that would never intentionally hurt you. They will always look out for you even if you are across the world and they will be strearn with you if you are headed in the wrong direction. So if you ever find a friend that makes you feel that way, make sure to let them know that they are appreciated. 

2. Success is not measured through richness

We live in a word where success is measured with the luxury homes, cars, accessories, blings, posh lifestyles and etc. Honestly, this is a delusion this generation is living in. Yes, money and all the things that we possess makes us feel like we have everything in life, but do we really? Obviously, some may say money buys them happiness, as their happiness comes in an iPhone 13 box. In that case, how long is your 'happiness' going to last? Maybe until the next iPhone generation is released? Everyone needs to step back
and assess this situation. We are investing hours of our lives working and investing to ensure that we have enough money to sustain 3 generations down the line and yes this will give you the security that you feel that you need, but also, there goes all your time. Precious time that you could use to spend time with your family and children. To personally raise your children rather than hiring a nanny. To see how wrinkled your parents skin is getting. To explore the world and see magnificent wonders of the world.  This are simple things that has an immeasurable value that money will not be able to buy. Furthermore, once time goes by, all the richness in the world will not be able to turn back time for you to re-experience such incredible moments. If this is you, you need to stop this habit of wrong prioritisation and make effective use of the remaining time that you have. Time waits for no one. 

3. Start today

"I'll just start tomorrow." I know we all have said this at least once in our life. Procrastination is the road to self sabotage. Putting things off may seem like the best thing to do when you don't want to deal with it, but this is not a healthy method. Whatever you decide to do in this moment will determine what you turn out to be. Or in other words, your past actions has made you into the person you are today. You are leading your life and decisions that you make today might impact how you turn out later on in life. If you plan to be successful in whichever field, I suggest that you start somewhere today, rather than putting it off for another day. Start small, maybe a plan would help. Then progressively take actions that would eventually bring you closer to your goal. Today is the right time to start! Strive for what you are passionate about.

4. Be sincere

At the end of this life, no one is going to give you an award for the millions of dollar that you have but cannot spend since you're dead. People remember how to treated them and how genuine you were with them. Help others whenever you can, this can be on an scale but just be genuine and don't expect anything in return is the key. Besides, I know how easy it is to be negative and not see goodness in people. But take a leap and see the positive traits in every situation. This will change your life for the better. Even if others don't see it, it is fine because all that matters in the sense of peacefulness that you will feel when you genuine do these things. 

5. Think before you talk

It is easy to say things without thinking, and in this opinionated world, everyone feels like they are entitled to say something, doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. What we don't realise is how it impacts so many things. An example would be a rumour. Guess imagine if someone decides to spread a horrible rumour about you and how it would impact you, your job, your family, your lifestyle, etc. Yes it is just a rumour but this may push people to make drastic decision, especially if the rumour affects their status in this society. Your tongue is sharper than a knife so be careful with the word you decide to say. Not everything is meant to be joked about it. Process what you want to say and verify sources before you decide to share. 

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